The Coastal Environment of Elmina in Ghana - Appraising the Causes and Effects of Coastal Pollution

Author Details

James Lawer Dika, John Manyimadin Kusimi and Kwabena Awere Gyekye

Journal Details


Published: 23 April 2018 | Article Type :


Coastal pollution is a serious threat to coastal ecosystem and dwellers whose livelihoods depend on coastal resources. Elmina is one of the major tourist destinations of Ghana owing to its attractive sandy beaches and many historical monuments. However, the coastal zone has been engulfed by marine debris, polluting the coastal environment thus decreasing its aesthetic attractiveness for tourism. The research investigated the causes, environmental and socio-economic impacts of the coastal pollution on the life of the people of Elmina and ecosystem. Social survey methods involving questionnaire administration, in-depth-interviews and focus group discussions were employed to collect field data. Systematic sampling process was used to select households for the questionnaire survey. Improper waste disposal, inadequate sanitary facilities coupled with weak enforcement of sanitation bye-laws among others accounted for the pollution and the unsanitary condition of beaches and consequently the spreading of diseases like diarrhea and typhoid. Revenue from beach tourism and income of fisher folks were also negatively affected by the polluted marine environment. The provision of adequate sanitary facilities, organization of regular clean-up exercises, education on sanitation and vigorous enforcement of coastal bye-laws are some of the proposed measures in curbing this menace within this tourist enclave of Ghana.

Keywords: coastal environment; coastal pollution; Elmina; marine debris; socio-economic life; waste management.

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How to Cite


James Lawer Dika, John Manyimadin Kusimi and Kwabena Awere Gyekye. (2018-04-23). "The Coastal Environment of Elmina in Ghana - Appraising the Causes and Effects of Coastal Pollution." *Volume 1*, 1, 100-110